The Curse Of Ponsonby Hall

  • 1979
  • About 60'

Script: Victor Davies and Victor Cowie. Music and lyrics: Victor Davies.
CTV (CKY) 1 hr network special, Kim Johnston, producer/director.
Winner of a Golden Sheaf Award, Saskatoon Film Festival.
Suitable for an audience of children 4 and up and families.


Sir Rothermere de Ponsonby, Bertram (a minstrel), Olaf (servant to Sir Rothemere) Lady Gwendolen (the princess), Greenwart (The Dragon), 2 Children (Andrew and Katie), Grandfather Fidgit (narrator), Mrs. Quirk, and chorus of children or children and adults.
Suitable for an audience of children 4 and up and families.


In The Curse Of Ponsonby Hall, the despot, Sir Rothermere de Ponsonby, at the death of the King has taken control of the kingdom, locked the Princess in a tower, and enslaved the subjects. But the kingdom has been cursed by some magic power at the death of the king. Sir Rothermere can’t find the cause of the curse and the magic powers needed to lift it. He frantically searches the books of the royal library with the help of Olaf, but fails to find the answer. As the curse takes effect the castle begins to disintegrate and other unforeseen things begin to happen. Guarded by a dragon, reputed to be fierce, in fact, Lady Gwendolen (the princess) roasts marshmallows on Greenwort’s fiery breath. Then Sir Rothermere discovers that he must marry Lady Gwendolen to lift the curse. There seems to be no escape for her, until a handsome wandering minstrel appears to rescue her, resolves the curse on the kingdom, and wins freedom for all, with hilarious results.


The Master Of The Greatest Hall
The Dragon, The Dragon, Stay Far Away From The Dragon
Virtue Is My Virtue
Hope Is
I’ve Got Magic Powers
Cheer For The Dragon, The Cheerful, Cheerful Dragon

Script for sale, piano vocal score for sale. (Can be done with piano or small orchestra)
Orchestra score and parts rental (flute=picc/trumpet/trombone/piano/bass/drums) © 2024 • By Wavelength Media