Commission Victor

IMG_11Victor Davies is available on commission to compose a new piece to commemorate that special occasion in your personal, professional or community life which would be a unique gift to be treasured for years to come. A living legacy of music by one of Canada’s foremost composers.

Victor has been commissioned by a wide range of individuals and organizations, and he is a very accessible composer. Click here to see some of the people who have commissioned works by Victor.

The Composer Writes:

Commissioning a composer to write a piece of music may seem like a complex and arcane thing. But as I said to a commissioner who approached me with nervous trepidation – its like ordering lumber: how big are the boards and how many of them do you want! That is: how long a work do you want and how many instruments or voices would you like. The longer, the more musical resources, the more expensive the work will be. It’s that simple. This is my approach and I believe it removes the mystery from the commissioning process. Also I love to be commissioned and work with the commissioner, much like an architect collaborates with a client to design their dream house. The dream house might be modest or deluxe, depending on the materials used and the clients budget.

Having laid the ground rules above, then it is time to discuss, what the piece is for (birthday, christening, bar mitzvah, wedding, opening of new car showroom, score for a film, piece for fireworks, something to celebrate the new year, house warming, arrival of the new dog, investiture of governor general, opening ceremonies of major sporting event, work for high school or youth orchestra, piano concerto composed of hymns you select, chamber work in honour of spouse or friend, piece designed to show off special ability of a virtuoso musician or even three non-musical celebrities, piece for dance, ballet for students, songs for children, choral work for school etc. etc.) I’ve written music for many of the above occasions and each comes with it’s special conditions, desires of the commissioners and constraints of length, number of instruments, cost, deadlines etc. Most of the works listed on this site have been commissioned by someone, as you will see as you browse the list of works.
I can also help arrange to have the work performed and even recorded depending on the size of the piece.

What ever idea you may have, I’d be happy to discuss it with you. Nothing is too serious or outrageous to talk about, and it may result in an exciting new piece of music which will be special for you, your family, your community or your organization, when it is first heard and for years to come.

Let me hear from you with your ideas and dreams.

To contact Victor Davies regarding commissions, please contact us.



This means (from left to right)

2 Flutes, underlined number means Flute 2 doubles on piccolo,
2 Oboes, underlined means Oboe 2 doubles on English Horn,
2 Clarinets, underlined means Clarinet 2 doubles on Bass Clarinet,
2 Bassoons (no underline, if there were, Bassoon 2 would double on Contra Bassoon)
4 Horns
3 Trumpets
3 Trombones
1 Tuba
3-4 percussion

If a 0 appears in this configuration it means the instrument is not present
ie 2020/ (2 Flutes, no oboes, 2 Clarinets, no bassoons.) © 2025 • By Wavelength Media
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